This website was created to host the books that are in the library of my father Dr Muhammad Imran Ismail.
It was created with the help of my uncle and cousin Dr Arfan Ismail and Yusuf Arfan.
This website will feature books that have been collected over a long period of time.
What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It's a markup language that web developers use to structure and describe the content of a webpage (not a programming language).
HTML consists of elements that describe different types of content: paragraphs, links, headings, images, video, etc. Web browsers understand HTML and render HTML code as websites.
In HTML, each element is made up of 3 parts:
- The opening tag
- The closing tag
- The actual element
You can learn more at MDN Web Docs
Why should you learn html?
There are countless reasons for learning the fundamental language of the web. Here are 5 of them:
- To be able to use the fundamental web dev language
- To hand-craft beautiful websites instead of relying on tools like Worpress or Wix
- To build web applications
- To impress friends To have fun 😃
Hopefully you learned something new here. See you next time!